Thursday, September 3, 2009

Imperfection Is Perfection with Dirt On It

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be "Imperfection is Perfection with Dirt On It".

Life is perfect just the way it is. We are all born with little imperfections that set us apart from one another, but that is what makes us so perfect. Without these little imperfections, differences in opinion, and life experiences that will either leave us hopeful or hateful (along with the many variances in between), existence becomes boring and dull. As often as we state otherwise, this is a truth that we come to realize eventually.

When I mean "imperfections", I'm talking about what sets us apart from each other in physical aspects first off. That is the first thing that many people think of when they hear the word imperfection. I could be talking about a nose that is slightly off, or maybe pointer or pinkie fingers that are a little longer than usual, or let's even go so far to say that you are missing an arm. I could also be talking about bricks missing from a building, or a small stutter in your car engine that won't go away. Despite how little or great these disparities are, the way they come together is unique to you and you alone. Even among twins, there can be little differences that make them unique. The many people, places, and things that happen to us on a daily basis makes life exciting.

Differences of opinion, even though it is a cause for much trouble in many different places in the world, is also a perfection hidden behind ugliness. Imagine a world where everyone thought the same, did the same things on a daily basis, agreed with everything we said to one another. That is far from ideal, the excitement in being alive is completely lost. The world would be much more peaceful, yes, but think of what is lost in the exchange. In an ideal world where everyone is the same, individuals no longer exist, and that is what makes us who we are. I may not agree with what you think when it comes to movie choices, soda preferences, or religious upbringings, but it makes for good conversation.

Life experience is also something that makes us who we are. We are not all brought up the same way when it comes to family, friends, and homes. Some of us grow up in rich homes and money to spare, while others live in small apartments struggling to put food on the table, and still others are in between, niether rich nor underpriveledged. This also means all of our experiences in jobs, parties, school, so on and so forth. These differences make our lives even more interesting, as the variety in life will sometimes change the interactions between us. This leaves us with like or dislike, rather than the worst one of all, indifference.

I, personally, have many wierd differences that make me who I am. I look at others, though, and try to see who they are. I talk to them, interact with them, find out more about them. This is all my opinion, though. I enjoy doing this, because I enjoy knowing others as friends. Everyone gives me a new lesson in life, and I walk away for the better, no matter how it ended or continued. Life is chaos, yes, but without the chaos you cannot find your own order, which makes you an individual, the perfect you.


  1. I think the idea you're trying to get across is pretty similar to what I had in mind when i typed mine... It's alright to be different. You brought up many good points, but my favorite is how we would lose so much if we were all the same. Very good job!

    p.s. I like the kitty picture you posted!

  2. Brian I like how you point out that everyone has their differences and that is what makes us who we are. The weird things that some people might not like might be what others love.

  3. I really like your bumper sticker. It's an awesome point and I totally gree with everything you say.

  4. Great essay! I feel the same way about how nothing would be special if we all were the same.

  5. I agree its the small unique things that people are remembered by not the big stand out things.

  6. i agree with you about everyone is different, good job on the blog, wished mine wasn't so bad ha

  7. very well written, a lot of good ideas in that piece.

  8. i agree with your bumper sticker, solid work.

  9. Hey Brian, I really enjoyed reading your blog. You have great diction and are a very good writer! I think your bumper sticker quote is clever and insightful and very, very true. Good point about how bland life would be if we were all perfectly in sync.

  10. i agree!! i feel that everyone is perfect the way they are. and without those "imperfections" we wouldn't appreciate eachother and realize that there is no such thing as perfect =]

  11. It's good for everyone to be different. Otherwise life would be boring with everyone being the same.

  12. This is a great quote for your bumper sticker. I agree with everything your saying.

  13. I agree with what you said about imperfection, I've just never thought about it that way.
