Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blog 4 - Cigarette = Body Bag

Cigarette = Body Bag

When I look at this picture, part of me laughs while the other one slaps myself in the forehead for looking at it. I am a smoker, have been one for about 6-and-a-half years, and I understand that it is horribly unhealthy for me. I understand that there will be a time when my health takes a swan dive because of my habit/addiction, that I will end up having an odor and yellow-tinged teeth, and that my pleasure can make others uncomfortable or even sick. These are all things that I took into consideration when I started smoking and as I go about my daily life, but I continue to do it because it is my choice.

I feel the same every time I see one of these pictures or ads about how unhealthy smoking is. Every time I feel pressured to quit because it is unhealthy, and then I feel uncomfortable doing it around others that don't because they could be looking at me in a disgusting manner. However, everything that they put on these commercials is pretty much the same thing that I have known since I went through middle-and-high school health classes, just with a broader audience and a large budget. Freedom of speech is something that I value greatly, but when that freedom starts intruding into the freedom for a person or demographic to choose something, then it becomes a problem.

In my lifestyle and line of work, smoking can become a problem. Whenever I attempt to smoke at work, I tend to hide myself from view so that way people don't see me smoking, despite the fact that I wash my hands thoroughly after I am done. When I am out and about, if I am around people that don't like smoking, or are allergic to the smoke itself, I don't smoke. I tend to keep busy for the most part, and whenever I really need one, I will separate myself completely from the group in order to take care of my urges. If I am walking down the street, I keep my cigarette tucked into my palm, and if there are children around, the cigarette is out immediately. If I have to suffer because of my habit, so be it, but others will not be put in harms way because of it.

In essence, I look at the picture and feel a few different things. Shame, derision, humor, hypocritical, these are all things that I feel, because I hate something that I like to do. I can view what they are saying from their viewpoint; that smoking is a horrible habit and it should be brought into light what it does to those that smoke as well as those around the smokers. However, they should try to find new information instead of using the same stuff over and over again. Paying for cigarettes might as well be like buying a revolver and playing Russion Roulette with myself, but if it calms me down, then so be it.


  1. yeah the image itself i do not find that controversial in my point of view just because people have to choice to smoke or not. As did you many people tend to smoke. It is proven bad for your body and you know that so its your choice. Shouldnt be judged for it either way.

  2. this picture def makes you stop and think. for some decition to smoke may be so black and white, if you smoke you will die. but for others they know the risk but the chemical dependency out ways the hazzards.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Brian, as a fellow dirty-habit-haver, I know how you feel. I get pressured from friends and family and coworkers a like to quit. I know the dangers... when I was little, I used to BEG my grandmother to quit because it was so "yucky." People who don't smoke don't realize how hard it is to quit. This isn't an excuse for continuing- I hate that I love smoking and I wish I could. I WANT to, but the last thing I want is to feel the urge to smoke and not be able to light up. That said, I don't find this controversial. All the studies show that smoking is dangerous and detremental to our health and is one of the leading causes of preventable death.
