Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blog 5 - Cloning

It took me some time to come up with a controversial topic to cover. After all, controversy can surround most anything as long as their are two sides to the story. However, after looking back in various magazines, I stumbled upon an article on cloning, and that struck my interest. Sure, for some people, cloning a few livestock doesn't seem like much currently. Human cloning, on the other hand, is another story. For me, my take on this is.....don't allow it.

The idea of taking an already living person, then taking their DNA and creating a whole new person, is utterly baffling to me. Not so much because of a religious aspect, though, because I don't let that factor into many of my situations in life. It's mostly how it can be abused so severely. I remember reading in an article about how a person that lost a part of their body can have a clone "spare" ready and waiting. In one case of this, it's growing the part by itself in a lab animal, which is appalling to do so to another living creature. In another, it's creating a whole body that is brain-dead but kept alive through machines. All living creatures ought to have a chance at life instead of becoming a box of parts for someone to take from whenever they wish.

I can understand certain aspects, such as a person having a spare organ to replace one that went bad or was destroyed in an accident, but if it was taken too far, it would be much like a person attempting to reach an immortal state. On top of that, with the idea of the cost behind such science, only the incredibly rich would be able to afford it. Every human, even a clone, would have to have their own rights. To condemn them to such a fate would be inhumane at a level I cannot comprehend, and I stand by that idea stoically.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. I think cloning human beings is just... too much. My stance isn't derived from my religious ideals, either, but I do think cloning is another way we human's try to "play God." It's interesting that you brought up immortality, because I hadn't thought about cloning in that way. I think you summed it up pretty well by calling it "inhumane." I am all for the progession of the sciences and wholly support stem cell reseach and whatnot, but cloning is almost too sci-fi for me to wrap my head around. I think we're better off the way we are, living and dying as one person. Imagine the population problems we would have if we were all cloned!

  2. Yeah i agree that it is inhumane and that you shouldnt be allowed to create another human being no matter if its a clone or that creepy and two its not right to play God. There would be many problems in the world if cloning got big.

  3. before I read this blog, I never really thought about the whole cloning topic. I always thought, do what you want, and it didn't seem like such a big deal to me. But now that Im reading your opinion, i agree with you. Its not right having a living creature just sitting there "in case of an emergency" but doesnt it take years to create a clone??

  4. It does take a long time to create a perfect clone, but it's the parts that would be harvested from that person that worry me most.

  5. The Island ... A movie you should watch if you hadn't already.
    An ongoing factor to ponder when thinking of controversy is government, and big businesses, their views consist of the “what’s in it for me” theory. The influence of government on the issue is something to keep in mind. We are all cropped and edited into living the life that is rated R. we learned today of google, so I must say that the google view is how we live. You are very right, only the extremely rich will have the access to cloned organs, much like the movie.

  6. at first when i was a kid i thought cloning would be cool, and to be completely honest it doesn't interest me anymore. i do agree that we shouldn't test on animals just to get a nose or a ear, but then again it could be a good thing. so now i'm undecided about cloning.
